BSF Impact 2021

“God’s work has surely been replicated in unique and personal ways in the lives of 400,000 people who participated in BSF around the world.”

Hollie Roberts

Executive Director

Dear Friends, 

Sitting down to write to you today, gratitude overwhelms me. I’m grateful to God. He has faithfully sustained and supplied Bible Study Fellowship through another year marked by challenges all around the globe. I’m grateful to you. You have generously given – of your prayers, time, financial resources, and very selves. I am deeply grateful to serve God through this ministry and for your partnership in the work. 

There are few things we contribute to that produce truly lasting change. In fact, most good things have a limited shelf life. But not so in God’s economy. Because you have responded to a compulsion from the Holy Spirit to give to BSF, lives have been changed. Study and application of the Bible has added value that will never diminish, produced real life transformation, and resulted in eternal kingdom impact to the glory of God and the good of His people. 

The report that follows is a snapshot capturing glimpses of what God has done. Indeed, there are more stories that could be shared, as His work has surely been replicated in unique and personal ways in the lives of the 400,000 people who participated in BSF around the world. 

We look back and are humbly thankful. And we look forward with expectation at the potential of what will be even greater accessibility to the in-depth study of His Word. We can only do this because God works through your generosity. We invite you to continue with us in the ongoing work as together we endeavor to magnify God and mature His people. 

By His grace and for His glory, 

Hollie Roberts, Executive Director

Reaching the Nations


adults studying God’s Word


languages represented


children impacted for Christ

Reaching the Nations


Adults Studying God’s Word


Languages Represented


Children Impacted for Christ

A Source of Courage, Truth, and Hope

BSF has impacted families, helped shape communities, provided comfort, and been a source of courage for God’s people worldwide. Every BSF member, from our youngest preschoolers to our committed adults, has a story to share.

One thing I learned about BSF members is that they are willing to die for Christ.

Facing daily threats of violent persecution, BSF Teaching Leader Luka finds courage in God’s Word.    

I discovered something about our class members, the more there is attack and insecurity, the closer they grow to God. One thing I learned about BSF members is that they are willing to die for Christ.”

While statistics remain unclear, reports estimate that an average of 17 Nigerian Christians were killed per day in 2021. Thousands of school children have been abducted and held for ransom. Rural villages are targeted and burned, resulting in mass killings. In the face of real danger this BSF class is determined to meet. 

There was a crisis in Jos two days before our meeting and I was thinking about stopping the class,” Luka shared. “That meeting had the best attendance. They don’t want to miss a class because of what God is doing.”  

Through BSF studies, God continues to inspire our members in their commitment to Christ. Through persecution, a global pandemic, and personal struggles, God’s Word is a refuge for each of us. In local classes, online groups, and WordGo groups, lives are changing. Your continued prayer and support are making this possible.  

Most of our Children’s Leaders are the first generation of Christians in their family.

With only 4% of Taiwan’s population professing Christianity, believers are desperate for Christian leadership and resources.

“Our class has the first school program in Taiwan. Most of our Children’s Leaders are the first generation of Christians in their family. They love to read God’s Words and are faithfully committed to BSF.”   

Just weeks after accepting Christ as her Savior, Brenda Chang discovered BSF.

“I did not have much Bible knowledge and I lacked English ability. I almost gave up because I spent so much time reading the notes and answering the questions. My first group leader still encouraged me to join the group each week. I started to read the notes seriously. I found God’s love through reading the notes.”  

Brenda was asked to become a Children’s Leader two years after joining BSF. Today, she shepherds new leaders as an Assistant Children’s Supervisor.   

BSF is equipping a new generation of Christian leaders in countries like Taiwan that desperately need God’s Truth. By increasing our translation initiative, we are working to make in-depth Bible study more accessible for these faithful believers. 

“Without BSF I definitely would have struggled once I got to college in maintaining my relationship with Christ.”

Caleb Hill is part of the first post-Christian generation in U.S. history, making Caleb a religious minority.  “In college, your faith is tested, I’ve experienced it first hand.” 

In a generation struggling with increased depression and anxiety, many have lost their sense of eternal truth. But Caleb’s faith is built on a solid foundation.  

“When you get to college, you’re on your own, you’re making your own choices for the first time. It becomes very difficult to maintain that relationship with Christ if you haven’t already. And that’s the beautiful part of BSF throughout high school. You set that foundation for yourself – that when you’re in college you’re already accustomed to reading every day, studying every day. Making sure that you’re always praying and you’re so much more connected to your faith.” 

Caleb shares His faith with others, offering the hope of God’s Word and the gift of salvation through Christ. 

“I make sure to talk to other people every week – talk about what I’ve read, how I’ve applied it. I started reading every day and honestly, I treat my Bible study like I did BSF,” he shared. “It makes such a difference in college because people are going to try to pull you so many different ways, that’s just the way of the world. And we have to try to remain Christlike in whatever we do.”

Bible Study Without Boundaries

73,082 adults in Satellite Groups

These groups meet where larger BSF classes are not established.

72,600 adults using the WordGo App

WordGo offers BSF courses in a self-guided study format.  

72,600 adults using the WordGo App

WordGo offers BSF courses in a self-guided study format.

24,998 adults studying through BSF Online

Online groups are available for those who benefit from them.

Men and women in U.S. prisons are using BSF

Inmates study in groups and even in solitary confinement.

Men and women in U.S. prisons are using BSF

Inmates study in groups and even in solitary confinement.

“This beautiful study has brought renewal of my spirit and even more transformation of my heart.”

BSF Member, U.S. State Penetentiary

“WordGo opened a door for a conversation that I could not have had without the app. It makes me want to weep because of the gift it gave me – to be able to talk to people I love about God’s Word without feeling threatening.”

Alex, BSF Leader and WordGo Group Guide – U.S.

"As I am working in a rural area, it’s very lonely here. Interacting with people online in my BSF group is what I look forward to most each week.”

Jessica, Medical Resident and BSF Group Member – India 

“I was craving the truths of the Bible. I was craving heart change. I am enjoying the readings and discovering Jesus afresh and His teachings. I get so excited when I discover a new truth, I want to share it.”

Jessica, BSF Group Member – Australia

Your Generosity’s Impact

Fiscal Year End: August 31, 2021

Total Support: $34,609,557


Your Gifts





Financial Stewardship

BSF’s revenue exceeded $34 million in fiscal year 2021, even amid a COVID pandemic. The generosity of those giving to God’s ministry through BSF is amazing!  Your generosity generated $31 million and an additional $3 million was generated from other income, primarily from investment earnings.  

Ministry service costs were lower than normal as a percentage of income because BSF temporarily moved leadership training and class visits online for 2021 and transitioned from in-house printing to more digital offerings. This caused a higher than normal administrative percentage of income. However, investment income nearly offset the increase in administrative costs. God’s provision for us as a ministry long before the onset of a global pandemic meant that BSF’s work was not hindered as we brought His transformative Word to people around the world.

As a result, BSF ended the fiscal year with a surplus, which allowed an additional investment into our global digital platform and is enabling us to host an in-person global leadership event in June 2022 called Launch.

Where Your Giving Goes 

Fiscal Year End: August 31, 2021

Current Expenses: $22,892,195







Financial Faithfulness

Your generosity also supports BSF’s future. Last fiscal year’s financial results demonstrate God’s continued faithfulness to provide for His ongoing work through BSF. The generosity of His people provided not only for our operating budget, but also for capital investments of $3.7 million. Capital investments consist primarily of enhancements to BSF’s technology platforms and related digital initiatives. 

Your Gifts to BSF’s Future 

Fiscal Year End: August 31, 2021

Current year capital investments: $3,711,239







Financial Accountability  

BSF engages an independent public accounting firm annually to perform an audit of its financial statements and to express an opinion on them. Our most recent audited statements are located here. BSF is also a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).  

Thank you for your generosity!

To God be the glory!